Bus Routes & Drop Off

BusBraham Bus Routes 

Listed below is an APPROXIMATE time schedule for Braham school bus routes. There are eleven routes.  Please have students at the bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled stop.   If there are any questions regarding bus routes, please contact Dawn at Braham Bus Co. (320) 396-3003.

Click Here To View Bus Routes

Car Drop Off and Pick Up at the Elementary School


Morning Drop-Off

Only buses will be allowed to drop students off at the south side of the building at the main entrance.  Parents that wish to drop off their child will do so at the loop in the east parking lot (gym side of the building).  We ask that if you are in the loop you do NOT park and exit your car.  Once your child has left your car, we ask that you exit the parking lot.  The purpose of the loop is for parents to drop off their child and to keep the flow of traffic moving.  If you need to park, please do so in a parking space in the east lot (gym side of the building).

Afternoon Pick-Up

Buses will be picking students up on the south side (main entrance) of the building.  Cars are NOTallowed to enter the south lot at this time.  

If you are picking up a child that is in grades 2 & 3, we ask that you wait in the loop in the east lot.  Teaching staff will escort kids out of door #5 to the parking lot.  Once students are in their car, we ask parents to exit the lot to make room for others.  Continue to make your way to the front of the loop, filling in all available spaces.

If you are picking up a child that is in grades K-1, we ask that you wait until the buses leave and enter the south lot (main entrance), parking along the curb.  Staff will be escorting students out of door #1 to meet you.  Do NOT enter the south lot until ALL buses have exited.  

If you have a child in PreK you will park and pick your child up at door #5.  More information will be coming during Preschool visit days.

If you have children in multiple grades, please park like in years past and pick both children up.

We appreciate your attention to this.  Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we all work to make our school as safe as possible.

Thank you!