Title 1
Title I is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, which was passed as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” It is a federally funded program designed to provide support to students who are performing below grade level in reading and/or math in high-poverty schools. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is a reauthorization by Congress of the ESEA.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
- Emphasizes equal access to education.
- Establishes high standards and accountability.
- Aims to eliminate the achievement gaps between students by providing fair and equal opportunities for an exceptional education.
A school is eligible for a Targeted Assistance Title I Program if it serves an eligible Title I school attendance area. Targeted Assistance schools use criteria such as standardized assessments, classroom performance, student grades, and teacher recommendations to identify students eligible to receive Title I services. Eligible students are failing or at risk of failing to meet grade-level standards. If all eligible students cannot be served, those most in need are served.
Targeted Assistance schools provide additional instruction and interventions for students most at risk of not meeting state standards in math and reading. This additional instruction may take place before, during, or after the school day.
A school is eligible for a Title I Schoolwide Program if it has a free and reduced lunch level of at least 40% and is receiving Title I funding. A Schoolwide Program uses Title I funds to upgrade a school's entire educational program. Title I funds can be used to serve all students. Although a Schoolwide Program is not required to identify and provide supplemental services to particular children, staff must include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations in a school-wide plan. They must pay particular attention to the needs of low-achieving children who are most at risk of not meeting state standards.
Schools that qualify to operate a Title I Schoolwide Program may choose to operate as a Targeted Assistance Program
Braham Area Elementary runs a schoolwide program (SWP). The goal of a schoolwide program is to ensure that all students, particularly those who are low-achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state academic standards. The emphasis in schoolwide programs is on serving all students, improving all structures that support student learning, and combining all resources, as allowed, to achieve a common goal.